Here you can view some real-world examples of reports and errors we encounter to give you an idea as to what to expect if you get regular reporting, or the types of problems we can fix for your site.
This is an example of a report for a website:

As you can see the report clearly lays out all of the issues detected by the scan, categorises them into A and AA issues, and then can be expanded to see exactly which pages have which issues and even the line number. This gives you every issue that needs to be addressed and shows you where to go. If you do not have a developer who can fix your site based on this, we can help.
Individual Errors
These are examples of commonly occurring errors we find on most sites we scan:

Here is a common error. If you use Iframes to display content that is hosted on a different site (e.g. embedding a YouTube video) then there needs to be specific markup such as a title field that clearly describes what content is being displayed. Iframes from other sites generally won’t include these tags and they must be added manually.

Here is another very common violation. Images on a website must include a description of what the image contains as its ‘alt text’ which is HTML markup inside an image tag that uses alt=”[description]”.
These are just 2 common examples of issues you might see in your monthly reports if you decide to get monthly reporting with us.